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Kim Fusco

Direct Dial (330) 424-1448 ext. 1651
Email: [email protected]

Niki Wilkinson

Administrative Assistant
Direct Dial (330) 424-1448 ext. 1653
Email: [email protected]

Jonna Call

Democratic Poll Workers, Voter Registration, Provisional Ballots
Direct Dial (330) 424-1448 ext. 1655
Email: [email protected]

Deb Blackhurst

Republican Poll Workers, Retention, Inventory, Petition Processing
Direct Dial (330) 424-1448 ext. 1656
Email: [email protected]

Diane Raptis

Campaign Finance,  Absentee Ballots, Voter Registration
Direct Dial (330) 424-1448 ext. 1652
Email: [email protected]

Angelica Scarabino

Ballot Language, Voter Registration
Direct Dial (330) 424-1448 ext. 1654
Email: [email protected]

Employee Resources